Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Hello! Welcome to my blog!

I am new to this whole blogging world, so forgive me as I learn! The other day while I was watching T.V, I heard that commercial that said; 30% of you don't know what "Twitter" is. When I realized that the once technology freak, all around geek, that I was in the past, was now in that 30% I freaked!

Well s**t!

Aside from my "lurking" on The Nest and The Bump, I was also pretty clueless when it came to blogging. I mean I'd heard of it, but never realized what was all involved. Where the heck have I been for the past few years?!

Now, I am fully intrigued and definitely intend to investigate, learn, and attempt entering into this world that some how passed me by.

I just recently turned 24, I got married last year and I have an adorable long hair Chihuahua named, Stella. About five years ago I was totally hooked in the whole Myspace thing. I had this fancy site with all kinds of neat stuff. I was really into HTML and was actually pretty good. However, when I met my husband I ended up traveling all the time. Seeing the world and experiencing new things. (I'm not complaining.) It was great but now I've forgotten most of my HTML and haven't been in the loop on anything. Now, that things have calmed down a bit and we are settling down, I'm excited to get back into it!

My intentions for this blog are a little bit of everything. Daily stuff, travel, the joys of marriage, and of course Stella! <3


  1. Woohoo, I'm your first comment! I'm on the same page as you as far as blogging goes. Always had a Myspace, Facebook, all that jazz. I just started my actual blog a few weeks ago. Follow me! You'll enjoy it I think. We're both newbies. =). Anyways, welcome! Can't wait to read about life's adventures.

  2. Welcome to blogging! I am new too! :)

  3. Welcome to blogging! I hope you end up loving it as much as I do - love your header!

  4. Welcome to the mad crazy world of blogging, just to warn you it gets addictive!!!!

  5. Hi! Welcome to blogging and thanks for being a follower of mine! :)
